Terms of Use

Last Updated: 28 March 2024

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using Our Website. By accessing Our Website, you are indicating your acknowledgment and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions are subject to change by Us at any time at Our sole discretion. Your use of this Website constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and any and all amendments thereof.

Important! Seeforth Education/Lee Tosevic (our Company), referred throughout these terms of use by our Company is the owner and operator of the websites located at www.seefortheducation.com; among other websites owned and operated by our Company. This terms of use (the “agreement”) governs access to and use of our Company website. Access to and use of our company website is subject to your acceptance of this agreement. You agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement by your accessing our company website and/or by your continued use of our company website. Please read the following, carefully bearing in mind that this agreement must be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy. These terms of use govern your use of this site, which is provided by our Company. By accessing this site, you are indicating your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms of use. These terms of use are subject to change by our company at any time at our discretion. Your use of this site after such changes are implemented constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of the changes. please consult these terms of use regularly.

Access to this site :-

You agree to use this site only for the lawful purposes described in more detail in the “Restrictions on Use” section below. You agree not to take any action that might compromise the security of the site, render the site inaccessible to others or otherwise cause damage to the site or the Content. You agree not to add to, subtract from, or otherwise modify the Content, or to attempt to access any Content that is not intended for you. You agree not to use the site in any manner that might interfere with the rights of third parties. To access this site or some of the resources it has to offer, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. It is a condition of your use of this site that all the information you provide on this site will be correct, current, and complete. If our Company believes the information you provide is not correct, current, or complete, we have the right to refuse you access to this site or any of its resources, and to terminate or suspend your access at any time, without notice. 

You affirm that You are either at least 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or You possess parental or guardian consent, and are fully able and competent:

to assume and to fulfil the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions,

to make representations and warranties set forth in these Terms and Conditions, and

to abide by and comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Your access to and use of the Website is also conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with the Privacy Policy of the Company. Our Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your personal information when You use Our application or the Website and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. Please read Our Privacy Policy carefully before using Our Website.

Restrictions on use :-

This site is provided solely for non-commercial, personal use, and/or so that you may learn about our Company and the services we provide. You may not use this site for any other purpose, including any commercial purpose, without our Company’s express prior written consent. For example, you may not (and may not authorize any other party to) (i) co-brand this site, or (ii) frame this site, or (iii) hyperlink to this site, without the express prior written permission of an authorized representative of our Company. For purposes of these Terms of Use, “co-branding” means to display a name, logo, trademark, or other means of attribution or identification of any party in such a manner as is reasonably likely to give a user the impression that such other party has the right to display, publish, or distribute this site or Content accessible within this site. You agree to cooperate with our Company in causing any unauthorized co-branding, framing or hyper-linking immediately to cease.

Disclaimer :-

This video, site, app, document, Readings and meditation contain the opinions and ideas of its authors. it’s intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subjects addressed. the viewer/reader/listener should consult his or her medical, health or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this video, site, app, document, Reading and meditation or drawing inferences from it. the authors and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this video, site, app, document and meditation. in the event you use any of the information from this video, site, app, document, Reading and meditation for yourself, the authors/speakers and seeforth education/Lee Tosevic assume no responsibility for your actions and seeforth education/Lee Tosevic and its licensors, its suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the seeforth education/Lee Tosevic video, site, app, document, Reading and meditation are not liable for any personal injury, including death, caused by your use or misuse of the video, site, app, document, Reading, meditation or its content. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your country’s emergency telephone number immediately.

You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from use of our company website and any information on our company website. Our company makes no guarantees about the suitability of any information and its services for any purpose whatsoever. our company may provide programs with exercises related to your condition that you can perform at home. As there is a risk of injury with any activity, use caution when performing such exercises. If you experience pain or discomfort, immediately discontinue the exercises and contact your clinician or physician. by voluntarily undertaking any exercise in a program provided by our company, you agree that you assume the risk of any resulting injury. Our company will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages or losses that may result.

Continuing Education & Professional Development Courses

The information and content provided in the courses are for informational purposes only. Our company makes no warranties regarding, and bears no liability for, your use of the information and content. Neither our company nor the presenter assumes any responsibility for any loss or injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out of the use of the material contained in or related to the online courses, webinars or any other source. It is the responsibility of the treating practitioner, relying on independent expertise and knowledge of the patient/client, to determine the best treatment and method of application for the patient/client. Our courses have no geographical boundaries and are completed by practitioners and individuals from many professions. Please refer to your local Professional Membership body as to Eligibility for CE or CPD credits for individual courses. 

Tax Responsibility

All Fees are stated exclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, imposts, fines or similar governmental assessments, including sales and use taxes, value-added taxes, goods and services taxes, excise, business, service, and similar transactional taxes imposed by any jurisdiction and the interest and penalties thereon, excluding taxes based on our Company net income (collectively, “Taxes”). You shall be responsible for and bear Taxes associated with its purchase of, payment for, access to or use of our Company. You hereby confirm that our Company can rely on the name and address set forth in your our Company registration as being the correct information for tax purposes. Obligations under this Section shall survive the termination or expiration of these Terms.

Placing Orders 

By placing an Order through the Website, You warrant that You are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.

Your Information

If You wish to place an Order available on the Website, You may be asked to supply certain information relevant to Your Order including, without limitation, Your name, Your email, Your phone number, Your credit card number, the expiration date of Your credit card, Your billing address, and Your shipping information. You represent and warrant that: (i) You have the legal right to use any credit or debit card(s) or other payment method(s) in connection with any Order; and that (ii) the information You supply to us is true, correct and complete. By submitting such information, You grant us the right to provide the information to payment processing third parties for purposes of facilitating the completion of Your Order.

Order Cancellation

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel Your Order at any time for certain reasons including but not limited to:

Errors in the description or prices for Courses,
Errors in Your Order,
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel Your Order if fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction is suspected

Your Order Cancellation Rights

Any purchase ON Our Website can only be cancelled in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and Our Refund Policy. Our Refund Policy is and shall be considered as part of these Terms and Conditions. Please read our Refund Policy to learn more about your right to cancel Your Order.

Availability, Errors and Inaccuracies

We are constantly updating Our offerings of Goods on the Website. The Goods available on Our Website may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable, and We may experience delays in updating information regarding our Goods on the Website and in Our advertising on other websites. We cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information, including prices, product specifications and availability. We reserve the right to change or update

Prices Policy

The Company reserves the right to revise its prices at any time prior to accepting an Order.

The prices quoted may be revised by the Company subsequent to accepting an Order in the event of any occurrence affecting delivery caused by government action, variation in customs duties, increased shipping charges, higher foreign exchange costs and any other matter beyond the control of the Company. In that event, You will have the right to cancel Your Order.

Payments, Access & Refunds


Each Course/Webinar/Reading is priced individually. Please refer to Course/Webinar/Reading descriptions for fees.

Should You choose to buy an individual Course/Webinar/Reading, You expressly agree that our Company, is authorized to charge You for each specific Course/Webinar/Reading You purchase including applicable Taxes or additional fees.

Course/Program Commencement 

Unless otherwise agreed, the agreed Course/Webinar/Reading commencement date will be the date of issuance of a username and password for online Course/Webinar/Reading access. 

Unlimited Access 

Unlimited access means that your course/program access does not expire.  Therefore, as long as you are active for any time over a 12-month period, your login and password will remain active so that you can access your course/webinar.  The only other exception to “unlimited access” is if the course/webinar is cancelled, updated, or changed.  

Refund Policy 

You will be eligible for a full refund of fees paid ONLY if our Company cancels the nominated Course/Webinar/Reading before you have logged in to access the Course/Webinar/Reading. Once you have paid for your course, you 30 days from the date of purchase to cancel your Course/Webinar/Reading. If you email us at [email protected] within the 30 days from purchase and explain your intent to cancel you may be eligible for a full refund. Outside of this, Our Company does not offer refunds due to our significant intellectual property and goodwill. If you have further questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

Accounts and Passwords :-

In consideration of Your use of Our Company Website, You acknowledge that You are of legal age to form a binding contract and are not a person barred from receiving services under the laws of Australia, U.S or other applicable jurisdiction. You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information concerning You when providing information to, signing up with, registering for use of, or otherwise providing information to our Company Website and maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, current, and complete. If You provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or if our Company has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, our Company has the right to suspend or terminate Your access to our Company Website and to refuse any and all current or future use of our Company Website, or any portion thereof.

You must have Your own password to access our Company Website. You are not permitted to provide others access to our Company Programs using Your Username and Password or another authorized Username and Password. In the event that our Company discovers Password sharing, we reserve the right to terminate or block Your access to our Company Website. You are responsible for all use of Your password(s).

Proprietary information :-


The material and Content accessible from this site, and any other World Wide Web site owned, operated, licensed, or controlled by our Company is the proprietary information of our Company or the party that provided the Content to our Company, and our Company or the party that provided the Content to our Company retains all right, title, and interest in the Content. Accordingly, the Content may not be copied, distributed, republished, uploaded, posted, or transmitted in any way without the prior written consent of our Company, or unless authorized in writing elsewhere on our site, except that you may print out a copy of the Content solely for your personal use. You are prohibited from using any of the marks or logos appearing throughout the site without the express written permission of our Company.


This site and its Content are protected by Australian, U.S. and/or foreign copyright laws, and belong to the Company or its partners, affiliates, contributors or third parties. The copyrights for the Content are owned by the Company or other copyright owners who have authorized their use on this site. You may download and reprint Content for non-commercial, non-public, personal use only (If you are browsing this site as an employee or member of any business or organization, you may download and re-print Content only for educational or other non-commercial purposes within your business or organization, except as otherwise permitted by the Company, for example in certain password-restricted areas of the site). You may not manipulate or alter in any way images or other Content on the site.

Copyright Complaints

If  You believe that any Content on our Company Website infringes upon any copyright which You own or control, You or Your designee, acting as a “Complaining Party,” may send a notification of such claimed infringement to our Company. Please include a description of the work that is allegedly being infringed, and where on our Company Website the work may be found.


This site may be hyper-linked to other sites which are not maintained by, or related to, our Company. The inclusion of any hyperlink to a third-party site does not imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by our Company of that site. Hyperlinks to such sites are provided as a service to users and are not sponsored by or affiliated with this site or our Company. Our Company has not reviewed any or all of such sites and is not responsible for the content of those sites. Our Company also makes no representations about the availability of hyperlinked sites. Hyperlinks are to be accessed at the user’s own risk, and our Company makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness or accuracy of these hyperlinks or the sites hyperlinked to this site. If you hyperlink to a site, please be aware that you will leave our Company’s web site and will become subject to the rules and conditions of the linked site(s). We recommend that you make yourself aware of the Terms of Use of any sites you link to from our Company’s site.


You hereby grant to our Company the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display all content, remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, or other information communicated to our Company through this site and our seefortheducation.com email addresses (together, hereinafter known as the “Submission”), and to incorporate any Submission in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. Our Company will not be required to treat any Submission as confidential, and may use any Submission in its business (including without limitation, for products or advertising) without incurring any liability for royalties or any other consideration of any kind, and will not incur any liability as a result of any similarities that may appear in future Company operations. By making a Submission, you are guaranteeing to us that you have the legal right to post the content in the Submission and that it will not violate any law or the rights of any person or entity. Our Company will treat any personal information that you submit through this site in accordance with its Privacy Policy as set forth on this site.

Downloading Material

You understand that our Company cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the Internet will be free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that may manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to this site for the reconstruction of any lost data. Our Company does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the Internet.


The information, products and services offered on or through the site and by company and any third-party sites are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that the site or any of its functions will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that any part of this site, including bulletin boards, or the servers that make it available, are free of viruses or other harmful components. We do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the site or materials on this site or on third-party sites in terms of their correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability or otherwise. With regards to health & wellness content on the site:

This site offers health & wellness information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted on this site or available through any services are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medical or counselling care. For purposes of this agreement, the practice of medicine and counselling includes, without limitation, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, or providing health care treatment, instructions, diagnosis, prognosis or advice.

Limitation on liability

Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service providers, content providers, employees, agents, officers, and directors will not be liable for any incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages, including loss of revenue or income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, or similar damages, even if company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will the collective liability of company and its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, service providers, content providers, employees, agents, officers, and directors, to any party (regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) exceed the greater of $100 or the amount you have paid to company for the applicable content, product or service out of which liability.


You will indemnify and hold Company, its proprietor’s, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, service providers, employees, agents, officers, directors, and contractors (hereinafter known as the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from any breach of these Terms of Use by you, including any use of Content other than as expressly authorized in these Terms of Use. You agree that the Indemnified Parties will have no liability in connection with any such breach or unauthorized use, and you agree to indemnify any and all resulting loss, damages, judgments, awards, costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees of the Indemnified Parties in connection therewith. You will also indemnify and hold the Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any claims brought by third parties arising out of your use of the information accessed from this site.


The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland, Australia and any courts that may hear appeals from those courts in respect of any proceedings or legal action in connection with Company, its proprietor’s, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, service providers, employees, agents, officers, directors, and contractors.

Information you provide :-

You may not post, send, submit, publish, or transmit in connection with this site any material that:

  1. You do not have the right to post, including proprietary material of any third party
  2. Advocates illegal activity or discusses an intent to commit an illegal act
  3. Is vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or indecent
  4. Does not pertain directly to this site
  5. Threatens or abuses others, libels, defames, invades privacy, stalks, is obscene, pornographic, racist, abusive, harassing, threatening or offensive
  6. Seeks to exploit or harm children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise
  7. Infringes any intellectual property or other right of any entity or person, including violating anyone’s copyrights or trademarks or their rights of publicity
  8. Violates any law or may be considered to violate any law
  9. Impersonates or misrepresents your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulates headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of the content
  10. Advertises any commercial endeavor (e.g., offering for sale products or services) or otherwise engages in any commercial activity (e.g., conducting raffles or contests, displaying sponsorship banners, and/or soliciting goods or services) except as may be specifically authorized on this site
  11. Solicits funds, advertisers or sponsors
  12. Includes programs which contain viruses, worms and/or Trojan horses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications
  13. Disrupts the normal flow of dialogue, causes a screen to scroll faster than other users are able to type, or otherwise act in a way which affects the ability of other people to engage in real time activities via this site
  14. Includes MP3 format files
  15. Amounts to a ‘pyramid’ or similar scheme
  16. Disobeys any policy or regulations established from time to time regarding use of this site or any networks connected to this site
  17. Contains hyper-links to other sites that contain content that falls within the descriptions set forth above.

Although under no obligation to do so, our Company reserves the right to monitor use of this site to determine compliance with these Terms of Use, as well as the right to remove or refuse any information for any reason. Notwithstanding these rights, you remain solely responsible for the content of your Submissions. You acknowledge and agree that neither Company nor any third party that provides Content to Company will assume or have any liability for any action or inaction by Company or such third party with respect to any Submission.

Security :-

Any passwords used for this site are for individual use only. You will be responsible for the security of your password (if any). Company will be entitled to monitor your password and, at its discretion, require you to change it. If you use a password that Company considers insecure, Company will be entitled to require the password to be changed and/or terminate your account. You are prohibited from using any services or facilities provided in connection with this site to compromise security or tamper with system resources and/or accounts. The use or distribution of tools designed for compromising security (e.g., password guessing programs, cracking tools or network probing tools) is strictly prohibited. If you become involved in any violation of system security, Company reserves the right to release your details to system administrators at other sites in order to assist them in resolving security incidents. Company reserves the right to investigate suspected violations of these Terms of Use. Company reserves the right to fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing Company to disclose the identity of anyone posting any e-mail messages, or publishing or otherwise making available any materials that are believed to violate these Terms of Use. By accepting this agreement you waive and hold harmless company from any claims resulting from any action taken by company during or as a result of its investigations and/or from any actions taken as a consequence of investigations by either the company or law enforcement authorities.

Class Action Waiver :-

You may only resolve disputes with us on an individual basis, and may not bring a claim as a plaintiff or a class member in a class, consolidated, or representative action. Class arbitrations, class actions, private attorney general actions, and consolidation with other arbitrations aren’t allowed. The arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person’s claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a class or representative proceeding or claims (such as a class action, consolidated action or private attorney general action) unless all relevant parties specifically agree to do so following initiation of the arbitration.

Severability :-

If any clause within the Terms of Use (other than the Class Action Waiver clause above) is found to be illegal or unenforceable, that clause will be severed from the Terms of Use, and the remainder of these Terms of Use will be given full force and effect. If the Class Action Waiver clause is found to be illegal or unenforceable, the dispute will be decided by a court.

Miscellaneous :-

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement among the parties relating to this subject matter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any additional terms and conditions, such as our Privacy Policy and other disclosures, on this site will govern the items to which they pertain. Company may revise these Terms of Use at any time by updating this posting.


For individuals, businesses and organizations joining our Affiliate Program please read the SeeForth Education Affiliate Program Policies & Marketing Affiliate Program Agreement.


  1. Services and Content:

1.1. Lee Tosevic is a psychic reader, and the information provided during readings is based on intuitive insights and spiritual guidance.

1.2. Readings are meant for entertainment and personal exploration purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional advice, such as medical, legal, financial, or psychological guidance. Always consult a qualified professional in these matters.

1.3. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information received during readings. The outcomes and interpretations are subject to individual interpretation and free will.

1.4 You acknowledge that the readings are based on intuitive and spiritual insights and are subject to interpretation.

  1. Age Requirement:

Users must be at least 18 years old to access and use the Websites. By using the Websites, you confirm that you are of legal age in your jurisdiction.

  1. Third-Party Scheduling Site:

Lee Tosevic/Seeforth Education use a third-party scheduling site to manage appointments and bookings. While we take reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and availability of the scheduling system, we are not responsible for any technical issues or discrepancies that may arise from its use.

  1. Privacy Policy:

We are committed to protecting your privacy. Please review our Privacy Policy, which explains how we collect, use, and safeguard your personal information.

  1. Accuracy of Information:

While we strive to provide accurate and reliable psychic readings, the information received during a session is subjective and should be interpreted as personal insight and guidance. We do not guarantee the accuracy or outcomes of any reading or consultation.

  1. Personal Responsibility:

Lee Tosevic & SeeForth Education encourage users to take personal responsibility for their decisions and actions. Our psychic services are meant to empower and inspire, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the individual.

  1. Code of Conduct:

Users are expected to conduct themselves respectfully and professionally when interacting with Psychic Reader Lee Tosevic and other users. Any abusive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to terminate services for such individuals.

  1. Intellectual Property and Session recordings:

8.1. All content on the Websites, including text, images, logos, all audio or video recordings of all sessions with Psychic Reader Lee Tosevic, and trademarks, is the property of Lee Tosevic and is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Users are not permitted to copy, reproduce, or distribute any content without prior written consent.

8.2- Clients are allowed to audio or video record their sessions with Lee Tosevic with his permission. The recording is to be used for personal purposes only and it's not meant shared on any social media platforms, or websites, or for commercial use.

  1. Disclaimer of Liability:

By using the Websites and engaging in our psychic services, you agree that Psychic Reader Lee Tosevic and any affiliated parties shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, or harm resulting from your use of the Websites or any advice provided during sessions.

  1. Governing Law:

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Queensland, Australia.