Code of Ethics

1. We will give Psychic / Spiritual messages as responsibly and accurately as possible.

2. We do not give advice. Guidance will be without judgement, in the client’s best interests, and never imply 100% accuracy.

3. Readings may refer to medical, legal, financial, or psychological topics, but we will not give such advice. Always consult a qualified professional in these matters.

4. We will charge reasonable consultation fees for our psychic work.

5. We will respect the privacy of our clients and offer a confidential service.

6. We will respect the free will of all individuals and will not offer to influence another against their will, such as promising to bring a person to love them.

7. We will not promote nor offer to remove curses nor the effects of other maleficent magic.

8. Psychic services will only be given to persons eighteen years or over unless a parent or guardian gives permission.


We will be respectful, compassionate and kind, especially when delivering difficult information.

We will be respectful of our gift, as it’s a gift from God, as it should not be used as a ‘party trick’.

We will be respectful of the gifts of other psychics, mediums, and healers.

We will be in integrity with all that we do and will only use our gift for the highest good of others.

We will be truthful no matter how hard it is and speak from our heart. We will ensure that we leave clients with hope and an understanding of the afterlife.

We will not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, age, physical disabilities, and culture.

We will always gain insight and knowledge from our connection with Spirit.

We will never let our ego get in the way. Should we not make the connection, we will close the reading and if money has been exchanged, we will refund the fee.

We will always thank Spirit and our client for enabling the connection as it is an honour and a privilege to serve Spirit.

Remember positivity creates positivity (Law of Attraction).

Understand that anything is possible and to believe in yourself.



We believe:

That there is a ‘God’ but this God doesn’t have to be the Spirit that is spoken of within religious texts. It’s the God that surrounds us, it is the God that connects us all, it is the God that works through us, it is the God within ourselves. It’s the Divine force, the Life-force that we can manifest with ourselves.

That everyone has the right to make their own decisions and to be free from restraint of others’ views.

That life is for growth - learning lessons, overcoming vices, repaying any karmic debts, and sharing our gifts with the world to make it a ‘better’ place.

That things happen for a reason and that reason may not be present at the time of the given incident, but it will be a lesson that we have to face and grow from.

That we live life to the fullest with no regrets, only memories that will help us change and grow.

That life is eternal, we live many Physical lives, and that everything is possible.

That we do not know everything and that we are continually learning on our journey through life and the afterlife.

In personal responsibility and that we create our own reality through our thoughts and actions.

That we should treat others how we wish to be treated ourselves, with love and respect, no matter how they decide to live their life.

In integrity and being authentic and that we are working for our highest good and the highest good of others.


Yours in Appreciation,

Lee Tosevic